Welcome to Buddies.io™! After signing up for an account, you're free to share anything and everything with your buddies using the world's first and best FaceToFace™ technology.

Paranoid about your communications? Your buddies can't screenshot anything you say to them. Your personal details are completely secure because Buddies doesn't store anything.

Buddies is naturally immune to phishing, identity theft, and password cracking. Using complex biometrics, you identify with Buddies in a way that has never been possible in online social networks. Photos and videos shared with your buddies never cross any networks, making them immune to internet snooping and wiretapping.

Tired of seeing non-stop streams of nonsense from people you are vaguely acquainted with? FaceToFace technology prioritizes your real buddies while keeping mere acquaintences at the appropriate distance.

FaceToFace audio and video fidelity is of the highest possible quality. By removing antiquated networking components from the equation, Buddies is capable of using raw, uncompressed audio and video.

Tired of being misunderstood via simple text? Using advanced FaceToFace expressions, you can make sure your subtle mannerisms are picked up on. Let that sarcasm flow. Buddies is also 100% gesture compatible and fully responsive. Whether you have the latest smartphone or no phone at all, you can FaceToFace anywhere.

Other social networks allow you to share your experiences, but Buddies is the first to allow you to create new experiences and intuitively share those experiences with others first-hand. Need to meet some new friends? No problem, you can meet people without even exchanging personal details!

There's absolutely no commitment! Signup takes a couple seconds, then you can get straight to socializing.

© 2014 Buddies.io - If you're looking for a manifesto, we don't have one because we're not pretentious douchebags